Delegates to the ABA House of Delegates are expected to:
代表的任期为2年,没有任期限制. 这个任期在8月举行的美国澳门赌场官网协会年会结束后开始.
For more information, please click here.
The District of Columbia Bar (D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会(Bar)是哥伦比亚特区上诉法院的一个官方机构,负责对哥伦比亚特区上诉法院准许执业的澳门赌场官网进行许可和纪律处分. Attorneys must be licensed by the D.C. Bar to practice law in the District of Columbia. Lawyers admitted to practice in D.C. must register and pay dues to the D.C. Bar.
To learn more about the D.C. Bar’s mission, please go to
Appointments to D.C. Bar Standing Committees are made in the fall or spring.
To apply to be a member of other committees, please watch for vacancy and application announcements on the D.C. Bar website and social media platforms.
The Executive Office of the D.C. Bar:
Yes. Please contact the D.C. 酒吧电话:202-737-4700,要求与设施工作人员通话.
请致电202-879-2710与哥伦比亚特区上诉法院招生委员会联系, or by email at [email protected]. It is located at 430 E Street NW, Room 123, Washington, DC 20001.
哥伦比亚特区上诉法院招生委员会审查所有申请进入哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会. 要成为会员,无论是通过考试,动议,或特别法律顾问,访问 Committee on Admissions 哥伦比亚特区上诉法院的申请信息. 法学院认证表必须由法学院院长或注册主任填写并签名. Learn more about the different classes of membership at the D.C. Bar.
入学委员会审查所有哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网的入学申请. See D.C. App. Rule 46. For further information, 请致电202-879-2710或电邮至 [email protected] 或访问他们的办公室,地址是430 E街NW, 123室,华盛顿特区20001.
请通过电话202-879-2710或电子邮件联系招生委员会 [email protected]. It is located at 430 E Street NW, Room 123, Washington, DC 20001.
您将在提交初始注册声明后不超过30天收到一个Bar号. Your Bar number is listed on the main page of your D.C. Bar online account once logged in. You will also receive an invoice to your primary address on record, 请在注册声明中注明,在“会员编号”下列出您的澳门赌场官网编号.” Additionally, you will receive a Bar card with your Bar number. If you provided an email address on your registration statement, you should receive an email from the D.C. Bar with your Bar number and information on your new member account.
As a new member, 您在入学后一个月内收到了第一张年度许可费发票, which was payable upon receipt. 年度许可费是基于一个财政年度,从7月1日到6月30日,而不是一个日历年. Therefore, 一个会员有可能在一个日历年内收到两个不同的发票,这取决于你何时被录取到D.C. Bar.
Members are invoiced by the D.C. Bar for annual license fees, according to Bylaw, Article III Section 1, which states: Any person who is sworn into the Bar between July 1 and December 31 inclusive shall pay a full year’s license fees; those members who are sworn in between January 1 and April 30 inclusive shall pay one-half the annual license fees. 在4月30日之后宣誓就职的任何成员在下一个财政年度之前都不需要支付任何执照费.
如需进一步讨论此问题,请致电202-626-3475或电子邮件联系会员服务部 [email protected].
You can request an Engraved Wall Certificate by completing the D.C. Courts of Appeals Application for Engraved Wall Certificate Form. 这份申请必须用打字机打印出来,并附上一张40美元的本票, certified check, or money order payable to “Clerk, D.C. Court of Appeals.“您可以在收到澳门赌场官网号码后的任何时间提交此申请. Please mail form and fee to:
Engraved Certificate Office
D.C. Courts of Appeals/Committee on Admissions
430 E Street NW – Room 123
Washington, DC 20001
纪律澳门赌场官网办公室现在提供网上订购有关纪律的证书. The production of printed certificates remains suspended. 以电子方式传送证书的程序,会在收到 Certificate Request Form and payment. Most certificates are processed within two (2) business days. We do not offer same-day processing.
如果您必须通过支票或汇票支付证书费用,请填写 Certificate Request Form and return it, together with your payment of $25 payable to "DC Bar," to the Office of Disciplinary Counsel at the address below. Please complete the form in its entirety to avoid processing delays. Please allow additional time to process your mail-in request.
Office of Disciplinary Counsel
515 Fifth Street, N.W.
Building A, Room 117
Washington, DC 20001
For questions about certificates, please email [email protected].
The D.C. 酒吧现在提供在线订购和履行良好信誉证书. Click here to order your certificate (login required). 会员可以通过电子邮件立即收到证书,也可以通过电子邮件申请硬拷贝证书 [email protected] after placing an order for the electronic certificate.
We field many calls in D.C. Bar Membership asking about Certificates of Good Standing, 而且招生委员会已经在使用我们的数据库来获取证书所需的信息, 将流程集中起来对成员和员工都是最有意义的.
Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing costs $25. The process is completely online and takes a few minutes. Members do not need to visit the Bar in person or pay a courier. Click here to place your order today.
Effective July 1, 2019, the D.C. Bar no longer accepts certificate requests submitted in person.
Active, Inactive, 在澳门赌场官网协会中表现良好的司法成员可以获得证明其身份的证书. If a member has retired, resigned, or been suspended, they are unable to receive a Certificate of Good Standing.
You can utilize our Find a Member tool on the D.C. Bar website to view your standing with the Bar. Alternatively, you can log into your D.C. Bar member account and check your status on your account. 如果您需要进一步的帮助,您可以拨打202-626-3475联系D.C. 澳门赌场官网服务,我们将很乐意为您提供帮助.m. and 5 p.m. except for the 1–2 p.m. lunch hour.
Mailed requests are no longer accepted. 收到的任何邮寄请求都将返回给发件人.
您可以通过登录您的在线会员帐户下载您购买的证书的额外副本,最长可达30天. 如果您需要在邮寄硬拷贝请求的同时邮寄额外的副本, 请务必注明要求的副本数量(最多2份), with your email request to [email protected].
由于我们收到的请求数量,所有额外的请求将被视为新请求. Each request will be processed separately, and the applicable processing time will be applied. All Certificate of Good Standing orders are non-refundable.
Include the requested mailing address in your email to [email protected] once the order has been placed.
您将收到一封电子邮件确认一旦纸质的良好信誉证书已被邮寄. USPS First Class Mailing times apply.
客户保障基金(证金基金)补偿客户的上限为$100,000 for losses caused by the dishonest conduct of members of the D.C. Bar. Learn more.
“不诚实行为”一词基本上是指盗窃,包括澳门赌场官网犯下的不法行为, such as embezzlement or the wrongful taking or conversion of money, property, or other things of value. “Dishonest conduct” does not include the negligent, inadequate, or ineffective performance of services.
Call the D.C. 请致电202-780-2772,与该澳门赌场官网协会的基金管理人交谈. 如果你损失的一般情况符合本基金的指引, an application for reimbursement will be sent to you.
You will receive a detailed application for reimbursement, 这样你就有机会描述一下导致经济损失的情况了吗. Receipts, copies of court orders, 和其他必要的文件来证明你的申请中的事实. One of the Fund’s volunteer Trustees will be assigned to your case. Generally, 最终的处置大约需要6个月,这取决于所涉及情况的复杂程度. You will receive written notice about the disposition of your case. The Trustees’ decision is final.
Clients are not usually in attendance. However, 受托人可能会决定你的出席是必要的,以协助考虑索赔.
There is no absolute right to reimbursement. 每个个案的情况将决定个案是否符合基金的规则. 某些类型的损失,例如由于疏忽或其他不当行为造成的损失,可能不会得到赔偿. The Clients’ Security Fund is to be viewed as a Fund of last resort.
If you believe that your attorney provided negligent, ineffective, or inadequate representation, you may contact the Office of Disciplinary Counsel at 202-638-1501. 纪律澳门赌场官网办公室是澳门赌场官网协会的纪律部门. If you believe that your loss resulted from excessive fees, or misunderstanding of what fees should be paid for given services, 您应致电202-780-2779与澳门赌场官网/客户仲裁委员会联系.
You may register for any D.C. Bar CLE course at,或者您可以致电202-626-3488用信用卡付款.
All D.C. 所有形式的Bar CLE课程都在每个具有MCLE要求的司法管辖区获得认证. 在极少数情况下,我们没有获得认证的课程, we will note it in the course description.
我们根据您完成课程的日期来处理MCLE学分. 所有学分将在课程完成后30天内提交到您的管辖范围. 然而,州澳门赌场官网协会可能需要更长的时间才能将信用记录记录到你的记录中.
您可以随时检查您的MCLE信用状态通过发送电子邮件到 [email protected] with your full name, course name and date, jurisdiction(s) for which you are seeking credit, and course format (i.e., in-person, webinar, or on-demand).
Once you purchase the course, 您将收到一封包含详细说明的电子邮件确认信. 请注意,我们的网络研讨会是通过Zoom平台直播的.
Our on-demand courses are viewable across all platforms and devices, including tablets, smartphones, and iPads. The screen size will vary depending on what device you use.
No. 您可以倒带、暂停或停止程序,以便稍后完成. We encourage you to finish one section in one sitting. 在你已经完成的内容之外,你将无法快速推进演示.
During a live webinar, you may ask questions in the Q&A interface. 如果您对点播课程有任何实质性问题,您可以给我们发电子邮件 [email protected]. 我们将与教师分享您的问题,并尽快回复您.
Substantive written course materials are part of every D.C. Bar CLE course. All materials are available in a PDF format. You may find these materials in the tab labeled “Course Materials.“一般来说,所有的材料都是完全可搜索、可打印的PDF文件.
如果您在观看现场网络研讨会时遇到问题,请在Q中告诉我们&A interface, email us at [email protected], or please call us at 202-626-3488. We will work with you to resolve the technical issue.
你必须看和听演示,找出我们在随机点插入的代码. The codes will appear on the bottom of the video screen. CLE staff will repeat the codes. Please write down the codes. 课程结束后,你必须做一个小测验来识别代码.
If you are taking a webinar, 您将通过电子邮件收到如何在课程结束时提交学分的说明.
If you are taking an on-demand course, 一旦您提交了测验和评估,您将收到一封电子邮件通知. CLE工作人员也将收到此通知的副本,并将继续处理您的CLE学分. If you do NOT receive this email notification, you MUST email [email protected] 附上你所修课程的代码及名称,以便我们处理你的CLE学分.
Yes. When you have completed the course, taken the quiz, and submitted the evaluation, you will have access to your electronic Certificate of Attendance. 大多数州要求你保留出席证书作为你的记录. 因此,我们建议您打印证书,或以电子方式保存.
The evaluations are short, 我们发现他们在帮助我们改善对您的服务方面非常有价值. 此外,许多认证机构要求供应商对课程进行评估.
大多数课程都可以购买电子材料(PDF文件). You may purchase these materials for $40 if you are a D.C. Bar member, and $50 if you are a non-member. You may purchase course materials by emailing us at [email protected] or calling us at 202-626-3488.
You may email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. 您也可以拨打202-626-3488与我们联系,我们很乐意与您交谈. The D.C. Bar is located at 901 4th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20001.
The D.C. Bar will transition to hybrid operations on April 29, 2022 while prioritizing member service, health, and safety by welcoming fully vaccinated visitors only to the D.C. Bar Headquarters building for a limited number of in-person events. Review the Bar’s COVID Guidelines & Visitor Policy.
我们继续鼓励您使用我们网站上提供的表格以及您的在线会员帐户内提供的服务来管理您的会员记录和/或汇款,以避免处理延误. 您也可以在正常工作时间内通过电话联系会员服务部, Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm EST (closed from 1pm - 2pm daily) or email [email protected] for assistance.
理事会(BOG)对澳门赌场官网协会的事务和活动提供战略监督和总体负责. The Board is composed of the following members:
所有高级管理人员和有表决权的成员还担任D的董事会(BOD).C. Bar Pro Bono Center and are elected by active Bar members. 非澳门赌场官网成员由提名委员会推荐并经理事会批准.
理事会服务没有固定或最低时数要求, 根据会议的次数,每个成员每月承诺的时间可以从5-15小时不等, preparation time and necessary follow up. Regular Board meetings last approximately 2-3 hours each. 董事会委员会会议每年举行2-6次,视委员会而定.
The time commitment required for Officers is generally greater, 因为他们通常是多个委员会的成员,对额外的会议负有额外的责任, reviewing meeting materials, and coordinating with Bar staff.
Yes! All active D.C. 大澳门赌场官网公会成员即使不在地区居住或执业,也有资格服务. 成员将能够亲自(条件允许)或虚拟出席董事会会议.
在理事会任职将使您成为一群精选的志愿领导人之一,他们的专业知识, 不同的观点和影响范围有助于提升我们作为国家卓越澳门赌场官网的地位.
Service is at the heart of everything we do.
We serve our members so they, in turn, can serve the community.
Help us continue to deliver on this commitment.
金融或类似经验可能会有所帮助,但这不是必要条件. The D.C. 酒吧的首席财务官(CFO)和财务部为财务主管提供充足的支持,准备关于酒吧运营状况的报告.C. Bar and the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center. 财务主管至少每季度向BOG/BOD会议提交一份报告, with substantive assistance from the CFO.
To be clear, the D.C. Bar雇佣首席财务官和财务部门来监督组织的账簿和记录的维护. This includes asset management, investments, 与组织的收支有关的内部控制, all government filings (as appropriate), as well as organizational budgeting, fiscal planning and enterprise risk management.
The Communities are the voluntary arm of the D.C. Bar. 有22个社区旨在为会员提供福利和机会来发展您的网络,同时保持专注于实践特定的职业发展. 他们由社区委员会领导,社区委员会负责监督特区政府的运作.C. 通过促进社区范围内的节目和内容,促进酒吧社区计划, volunteer opportunities, and member engagement initiatives. 每个社团(法律学生社团除外)由一个由当选成员组成的五人指导委员会领导. These leaders work to develop and implement content programs, networking opportunities, and other events for their members.
To learn more about D.C. Bar Communities, please visit or contact [email protected].
You may join online today or by phone at 202-626-3463.
There are two membership options:
Compare the two membership benefits and learn more by clicking here.
Yes, you do not have to be a D.C. Bar member to join Communities. 非大澳门赌场官网公会会员若欲加入D,费用稍高.C. Bar Communities. The membership dues for D.C. Bar members is $89; the subscriber fee for other individuals is $139. If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account. 一旦你建立了一个帐户,你就可以通过你的个人资料加入社区. You can also contact [email protected] for more information and pricing.
社区计划是澳门赌场官网协会的自愿会员,不受强制性澳门赌场官网会费的资助或支持. 您支付的社区会费将使您有机会在您确定的实践领域加入和/或更新社区. 有22个社区旨在为会员提供福利和机会来发展您的网络,同时保持专注于实践特定的职业发展. 参与社区项目并不授予D的成员资格.C. Bar. If you join a Community without first being a member of the Bar, you join as a subscriber rather than as a member. 订阅者有权获得与会员相同的活动通知和折扣. However, 订户不允许在社区指导委员会任职, vote in Communities elections, or chair Community program subcommittees. 订阅者不被许可在哥伦比亚特区执业法律.
You may register for any D.C. Bar Community program at our Events page,或者您可以致电202-626-3463用信用卡付款. If you have questions about registration, you can email [email protected].
Click here to read our Multimedia Disclaimer.
To register for series programming for free as a Communities member, 您需要在项目开始前的社区成员注册早鸟期注册, based on space availability. To get free access to series programming, 会员可以通过在线早鸟注册程序分别注册每个活动. To register for all series sessions in a bundle, a fee will apply.
To cancel your D.C. 酒吧社区会员,购买后60天内,请联系社区办公室 [email protected] or 202-626-3463.
你可以找到社区委员会和指导委员会的领导名单 here.
指导委员会成员由各社区的一般成员选举产生,任期三年. To learn more about running for a position, vist our Communities Elections page.
Voting in the 2023 D.C. 澳门赌场官网大会和社区选举将于2023年4月28日至6月5日举行.
Active members in good standing on the member roll as of April 10, 2023 are eligible to vote in the Bar’s general election.
Any D.C. Bar member who is in good standing (active, inactive, (或司法地位),一个共同体的成员可在该共同体的选举中投票.
合格的选民会收到一封指向大选选票的电子邮件链接, as well as to the ballots for their D.C. Bar Communities, from an independent vendor administering the D.C. Bar elections. Eligible voters can also access their ballot via their D.C. Bar member account during the voting period.
Voting takes place online only. 社区选举与大选包括在同一张选票上.
No. Voting takes place exclusively online. No paper ballots will be made available.
Please refer to the Membership Classes & Fees 获取当前年度许可证费用的最新信息.
In compliance with Article III, Section 8, D.C. Bar License renewals are due and payable on July 1. Members must remit their completed registration and payment by July 15 to avoid a late fee. If your license renewal is not postmarked and/or received by September 30,您的会员资格将因未付款而自动被行政中止. See Membership Classes & Fees for current license fee amounts.
Effective May 1, 2020, the D.C. 酒吧将不再邮寄纸质发票收取执照费用. 所有通知将被发送到会员记录的主要电子邮件地址. 如果您在5月1日之后没有看到通知,请务必检查您的垃圾邮件/垃圾文件夹. Contact Member Services if messages are not being received.
The D.C. Bar’s fiscal year is July 1 to June 30 each year.
本财政年度的许可证续期费用应于7月1日到期并支付. Members must remit their payments by July 15 to avoid a late fee.
最快和最有效的方式提交付款是通过您的在线会员帐户. We accept all major credit/debit cards and ACH (electronic checks). Cash is not accepted for payment. 会员亦可致电202-626-3475与会员服务部联络,以电话付款.
When submitting payment, members may also update their member profiles, join a Community, and contribute to the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center.
There is a 2.5% surcharge for all credit card payments. 您可以通过使用ACH(电子支票)选项来避免这笔费用,这是免费的.
打印发票可通过您的在线会员帐户会员谁希望邮寄支票付款. Do not mail payments to D.C. Bar Headquarters.
Checks should be made payable to the “D.C. Bar” and mailed to:
D.C. Bar
PO Box 79834
Baltimore, MD 21279-0834
Checks should be made payable to the “D.C. Bar”.
Do not mail payments to D.C. Bar Headquarters. Check payments should be mailed to:
D.C. Bar
PO Box 79834
Baltimore, MD 21279-0834
如果邮戳和/或在7月15日之后收到,则许可证续期费用将延迟. Members who pay after that date must include a $50 late fee. 付款必须在9月30日之前盖上邮戳,以避免自动中止会员资格. 因未支付许可费和/或滞纳金而被行政吊销执照的个人,在吊销期间不得在哥伦比亚特区执业.
如果您希望恢复,您的请求必须通过登录您的 online member account 并在个人快照页面上选择“恢复会员资格”选项. Reinstatement fees will be automatically calculated based on your current membership status and your selected membership class; payment will be required at the time of submission. You will be required to certify that you are not suspended, temporarily suspended, 或被任何纪律当局取消资格或提供解释,如果你不能证明. If you have been suspended, retired, 或辞职五年或五年以上,并寻求恢复澳门赌场官网资格, you are required to complete the Mandatory Course on the D.C. 在您的请求提交之前,请参阅专业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践. Suspension procedures are described in D.C. Bar Rule II, Section 6 and Section 3.05(b) of the D.C. Bar Bylaws. The names of all suspended members are transmitted to the D.C. Court of Appeals.
If you were disbarred or suspended with a fitness requirement, 您必须向专业责任委员会/纪律澳门赌场官网办公室提交复职申请和复职问卷. Click here to access the forms.
There are currently no reduced rates available for these groups.
目前,澳门赌场官网协会并没有针对经济困难的豁免计划. 如果您无法支付您的有效状态许可费用,并且没有在哥伦比亚特区内积极执业, you may consider changing your membership status to Inactive. 否则,那些符合条件的人可以获得退休非活动状态和辞职. Click for an explanation of the membership classes available. 如需进一步讨论您的选择,请致电202-626-3475与会员服务部联系.
在哥伦比亚特区执业或持有执业执照的会员需要积极的会员资格. Only active members are eligible to vote in Bar elections.
非活跃会员资格适用于有资格成为会员但不持有在哥伦比亚特区执业执照的会员. 如果你将来决定在哥伦比亚特区执业,它会将你的记录保存在澳门赌场官网协会的档案中.
Judicial membership is available to judges of courts of record; full-time court commissioners; U.S. bankruptcy judges; U.S. magistrate judges; other persons who perform a judicial function on an exclusive basis, in an official capacity created by federal or state statute, or by administrative agency rule; and retired judges who are eligible for temporary judicial assignments and are not engaged in the practice of law. 如果成员的雇佣条款和条件要求他或她有资格从事法律工作, the member may choose to be an active member.
Click here to view classes of membership.
Although the Bar staff cannot advise you on what status to elect, we recommend you consult the appropriate D.C. Court of Appeals rules, particularly Rule 49 and commentary on the practice of law in the District of Columbia.
You may change your class of membership at any time.
If you have already paid license fees for the current fiscal year, 登入您的网上会员帐户,提交会员类型变更申请,并汇出任何额外的应付款项. Changes submitted online are effective immediately upon submission. (注:任何更改司法级别的成员,在更改生效前,须核实其司法地位.)
如果您没有支付当前财政年度的年度许可费, 您可以在年度续费过程中选择您想要的会员类别,或致电202-626-3475与会员服务部联系.
会员在任何其他班级待满五年或以上后,如欲重新成为活跃班级的会员,亦须完成D的必修课程.C. 在提交变更请求之前,必须遵守专业行为规则和哥伦比亚特区实践. 会员在支付年度许可费后决定将其会员类别从“活跃”更改为“非活跃”或“司法”,则无权退还先前支付的任何金额.
是的,酒吧为残疾会员提供注册为退休会员的选择. To qualify for this class of membership, you must submit proof of disability from a physician, along with the completed Retired Membership Request form to Member Services.
Additionally, 如果您已持有退休会员类别五年或以上,并希望恢复为活跃会员, you will be required to complete the Mandatory Course. See Section 3.01(B) of the D.C. Bar Bylaws.
The D.C. Bar为两类成员提供退休会员类别:活跃至少5年的成员或不活跃/司法10年的成员, 在哥伦比亚特区或其他地方从事法律工作满25年, and retired from the practice of law; and members who are totally disabled and are thus unable to practice. 会员可以通过提交本年度的许可证,避免支付本财政年度的许可证费用 retired membership request form on or before September 30 of the fiscal year.
如果您已持有退休会员资格五年或以上,并希望恢复为活跃会员, you will be required to complete the Mandatory Course. See D.C. Bar Bylaws, Article III Section 4.
您可以自愿辞职或退出您的会员资格,提交所需的 Request for Resignation form. 要提交辞职申请,你目前必须在D处有良好的信誉.C. Bar (i.e., not suspended). Under the Rules Governing the Bar, 辞职须经纪律顾问办公室批准后方可生效. This review process requires a minimum of 30 days. 在此审查期间,您仍被视为澳门赌场官网协会的成员,并且必须保持良好的信誉. If you intend to resign during the renewal period, 你的辞职申请必须在8月30日前收到. 在此日期之后提交辞职请求的会员有责任支付与许可证更新相关的所有费用,以避免行政暂停. License fees are not refunded upon resignation.
如你在复职前无须证明身体健康或满足其他条件(i.e.、赔偿或法院施加的其他条件),请与司法部长联络.C. Bar Membership department. If you were disbarred or suspended with a fitness requirement, 你必须提交复职申请和复职问卷(见表格和文件部分)。. See Board Rule 9.1.
No, we currently do not have an e-filing system. 所有文件都应以硬拷贝形式提交,包括一份带有原始签名的文件. 请参阅董事会规则,了解每种备案类型的附加要求.
投诉必须以书面形式提交纪律顾问办公室. A complaint form can be found under the How to File a Complaint section.
The Board Rules can be found under the Board on Professional Responsibility section.
董事会目前正在招募澳门赌场官网和公众成员,以考虑任命为听证委员会成员. For more information, or to apply to be a Hearing Committee Member, please contact the Office of the Executive Attorney.
Oral arguments before the Board are streamed. Oral arguments and hearings are open to the public. 你可以在专业责任委员会的日历下找到听证会和口头辩论的时间表. The schedule can change at the last minute, 所以我们建议提前打电话给执行检察官办公室,了解最新的信息. 除另有说明外,所有事项均在D庭第二审判室(226室)举行.C. Court of Appeals building. 要查看有直播的口头辩论时间表,请点击 here.
纪律澳门赌场官网办公室(ODC)由哥伦比亚特区上诉法院设立,负责调查和起诉针对在哥伦比亚特区执业的澳门赌场官网的道德失当投诉 D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC).
The Rules describe a lawyer’s obligation to clients, the courts, and the general public in professional and private dealings. 这一程序的目的是通过惩戒违反道德规范的澳门赌场官网来保护公众. 本署不能考虑对以司法身份行事的法官提出的申诉.
For additional information, see Purpose and Mission.
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel cannot represent you, give you any legal advice, or change the outcome of a court decision.
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel cannot refer you to an attorney. You may consult the D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会公益服务中心,通过拨打法律信息帮助热线202-626-3499获取有关法律代理的信息.
Contact the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center 如果你是一个生活在贫困中的人,有可能失去你的家, your livelihood, or your family. The Center also helps 需要法律援助的小企业和社区非营利组织.
The D.C. Bar’s Find a Member 功能为我们能够与您分享的澳门赌场官网提供相同的公开可用的联系信息. 如果您仍然无法联系到您的澳门赌场官网,您可能需要向我们的办公室提出投诉.
The D.C. Bar’s Find a Member 功能可以搜索所有在哥伦比亚特区执业的澳门赌场官网. 如果一个澳门赌场官网没有被列为授权执业澳门赌场官网,并建议你关于D.C. 或在高等法院代表你,请联系纪律澳门赌场官网办公室.
如果我们决定你的投诉应被立案调查,因为它声称的事实, if true, would violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, your complaint will be forwarded to the attorney for a response.
If you believe your attorney has violated the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct, you should file a written complaint or complete and submit the complaint form (签署及填妥日期),邮寄或传真至纪律大澳门赌场官网办公室. The form must be properly completed. 请连同投诉表格一并递交有关文件及资料,包括:
如果你没有提供事实和文件来支持你的投诉, 它可能导致要求提供更多信息或驳回投诉.
你不需要指出你认为澳门赌场官网违反了什么规则. In general, 《澳门赌场官网》确保澳门赌场官网提供称职的代理, protect the interests of their clients, act fairly, and are honest.
投诉应包含所有资料,以便纪律澳门赌场官网了解问题. This should include your contact information, the attorney’s contact information, case numbers of underlying court cases, and a description of the problem you are having with the attorney. Include dates, the nature of the legal matter, and specific information about what you think the attorney did wrong. Provide as much facts and supporting documents as possible, including the fee agreement, court papers, and letters or notes that you would like us to consider. Send copies. DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS.
纪律顾问办公室将审查您的投诉,以确保其属于该办公室的管辖范围,并对其进行评估,以确定是否存在构成纪律调查基础的问题. If the complaint falls within the office’s jurisdiction, 它将被指派给一名澳门赌场官网进行初步调查或纪律调查. 指定的澳门赌场官网将通知您,他们是否正在进行初步调查或是否正在对您的投诉进行保密调查. You will be contacted if additional information is needed.
初步调查或纪律调查完成后, 您将通过邮件收到关于您的投诉处理的正式通知. 投诉可以通过审查程序解决,其中包括以下其中一项:
No. 如果你对你的澳门赌场官网所采取的补救措施感到满意,你可以让我们知道, 但纪律顾问仍有义务调查你的投诉.
Yes. We may reach out to you for further information, and you will be notified of the outcome of our investigation.
You can look to see whether your attorney has been disciplined. 纪律顾问不得披露是否有针对澳门赌场官网的投诉,除非这些投诉导致公共纪律处分.
No. 过了很长一段时间后,调查投诉可能会变得更加困难, 但向纪律顾问提出申诉没有诉讼时效.
Disciplinary Counsel cannot:
Yes. All complaints need to be in writing, 但是如果你对程序有疑问或者你是否应该投诉, please call us at 202-638-1501.
If you are unhappy about a legal fee, 除了与我们的办公室联系外,您还可以向D提出费用争议.C. Bar’s Attorney/Client Arbitration Board. If you have lost funds due to an attorney’s dishonest conduct, you may be able to seek reimbursement from the D.C. Bar’s Clients’ Security Fund.
You can contact similar offices in other jurisdictions.
纪律顾问不得公开披露已提出的投诉. The D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct 要求纪律顾问将投诉视为保密事项,直到澳门赌场官网收到提出正式指控的请愿书或同意接受正式纪律处分为止.
有特定开始时间的实时直播. A webcast incorporates video, audio, supporting material, and usually has presentation slides included.有特定开始时间的实时直播. A webcast incorporates video, audio, supporting material, and usually has presentation slides included.
A live broadcast that is hosted on the Zoom platform. 网络研讨会是实时发生的,并且有一个特定的开始时间. 网络研讨会通常包括视频、音频和辅助材料(如.g., presentation slides.)
有特定开始时间的实时直播. A webinar incorporates audio, delivered through your computer; supporting materials, and usually has presentation slides included.
An on-demand program is a recording of a webinar or webcast event that is accessible at your convenience; this format may be paused or stopped, and if you choose, taken in segments over time.
您可以通过将光标/鼠标拖到顶部的“按投递类型浏览”下拉菜单来缩小搜索范围, left corner of the catalog home page. 在这里,您可以将搜索限制为希望查看的交付类型.
您可以使用页面顶部的“搜索”栏来搜索程序, which is located at the top, center of the catalog home page. Here you may search by any word, all words, or an exact phrase.
On the Search Results page, 您可以分配您选择的过滤器,并根据您的偏好重新排序搜索结果. 类别过滤器显示可用的主要类别,并在每个类别中显示课程的数量. Once a primary category is selected, 次要过滤器将在主要类别中填充次要类别(包括课程编号计数)。. 当没有指定主要类别时,将填充所有次要类别. 你可以把鼠标悬停在“你好”上,点击“我的培训”进入课程历史, 点击右上角的“[你的名字]”,然后点击菜单上的“我的培训”.
当您点击课程名称时,课程详细信息右侧会出现“添加到购物车”或“立即注册”按钮, click this to add the item(s) to your account. When you are ready to view your programs, visit our account. 您将被带到一个定价页面,将列出您的定价选项. You will need to sign into your D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会帐户,以便收到您辖区的正确会员价格。. Follow the checkout prompts to complete your registration. 将鼠标悬停在“你好,[你的名字]”上以访问你的帐户和注册.
课程详细信息页面上提供了详细信息,可以通过点击课程标题来访问. 课程详情页面将包括课程描述/时间表/内容, credit and faculty/presenters.
完成您的注册后,您将被带到您的产品页面. By default, 您将看到已注册产品的列表,首先按具有未来活动日期的事件组织,然后按产品注册日期从最新到最旧排列. 在屏幕顶部的“排序”和屏幕左侧的“优化结果”和“显示注册”下,您可以使用其他过滤选项. 您还将收到一封确认电子邮件,发送到与您的在线目录帐户配置文件相关联的电子邮件地址. 注意:根据课程的不同,可能需要或不需要完成课程.
An account can be created one of three ways. The catalog home page may provide more specific log-in directions.
如果您不符合前面列出的任何要求,您可能希望从不同的计算机或位置访问课程内容. Please reach out to our customer support team at (877) 880-1335 or [email protected] for assistance with testing your system.
重要提示:如果您将在工作场所访问任何在线内容, 强烈建议您首先咨询it部门或网络管理员,以确保您具有安装程序的适当权限和/或访问流媒体的能力.
推荐的网络浏览器是Google Chrome、Firefox和Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is not recommended. Microsoft is withdrawing support for Internet Explorer, functionality and security issues will not be fixed.
Ensure that pop up blockers are turned off; Private or Incognito browsing modes are turned off; your browser should be set to remember history and also allow for cookies from websites.
If the course is a playable format, when in your personal account, you will see a large "Play" button. The Play button is what you use to watch your program. On-Demand products can be accessed at your leisure. If you are connecting to a live program (webcast/webinar, or replay), 在产品详细信息中列出的日期/时间之前,您将无法启动程序. If the program is a Zoom Webinar, 点击“播放”按钮将打开一个带有相应缩放链接的窗口. 可下载的内容将有一个绿色的“下载”按钮,您按下该按钮即可从网站播放内容, or download and save to your computer.
When you click the green 'Play' button, 它将在新窗口中启动查看器或在新窗口中启动缩放链接. If you are clicking this button and nothing is happening, more than likely the viewer window is already open. Please check all open and/or minimized windows.
There are three ways to contact us for immediate assistance.
Our support line is open Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 9:00pm ET. Should you need assistance over the weekend, 请留下语音信箱或发送电子邮件,我们将尽快回复.
Yes, if you receive IOLTA eligible funds. 在您开始接收信托资金之前,您不需要拥有任何客户信托账户. 例如,非私人执业的澳门赌场官网可能永远不会收到IOLTA合格的资金. When you begin to receive funds on behalf of clients, such as advance fees or unearned costs, 您必须为每个客户维护一个单独的信托账户(如果预计为客户赚取的利息超过维护账户的成本), 或一个有利息的共同客户或“汇集”信托账户,以持有多个客户的资金. 预先支付的费用,例如固定费用或按小时收费的款项,通常存入D.C. IOLTA account. Absent informed consent from the client, a fee advance from a client must be placed in a trust account. Most firms place these fee advances in a D.C. 因为预付款被认为是名义上的或短期持有,因此个人信托账户中赚取的任何利息将被用于管理费用. Therefore, if you receive IOLTA eligible funds, you must have a D.C. IOLTA account. 如果你作为澳门赌场官网收到的钱是支付你已经提供的法律服务, for example, you performed the work, sent a bill and were paid, then you do not need a trust account of any kind.
Yes, there are two limited exceptions. Trust funds are not deposited into a D.C. 当澳门赌场官网在其他方面遵守法庭的相反授权时,即为《澳门赌场官网》. In other words, 如果法院命令指示澳门赌场官网将信托资金存入D账户以外的账户.C. IOLTA account, the lawyer must comply. 第二种例外情况发生在澳门赌场官网参与并遵守该澳门赌场官网持有执照并主要从事业务的另一个司法管辖区的IOLTA计划时. For example, if the lawyer is licensed in and principally practices in Maryland, IOLTA eligible funds from D.C. 客户可以存入马里兰州IOLTA账户,澳门赌场官网不需要D.C. IOLTA account.
Lawyers may seek additional guidance from the D.C. Bar’s legal ethics counsel, at 202-737-4700, ext. 1010, or at [email protected].
你的商业(经营)账户所在的同一家金融机构应该能够帮助你使用正确的表格设置账户, 但您可以选择经批准的金融机构名单上的任何金融机构. The list of approved financial institutions is available from the D.C. 澳门赌场官网基金会(202-467-3750)或专业责任委员会(202-638-4290). 如果你在金融机构与之打交道的人不知道IOLTA账户是什么, go to another person, branch, or financial institution, 或致电IOLTA项目管理员(202-467-3750)或D .的实践管理顾问.C. Bar (202-780-2762 or 202-780-2764) for help.
This is a one–page, 51.80 KB PDF document
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Note: Many banks use this form. 但是,当您开立IOLTA帐户时,请随身携带该表格,然后将其转发给D.C. Bar Foundation. Do not send it directly to the Bar or attempt to fill it out online.
No, 只是一个共同客户信托账户,您可以将多个客户的客户资金存入该账户,该账户的金额是象征性的,或将在短时间内持有. Other trust accounts that you may choose to open for a single client ordinarily will not be IOLTA accounts; the client will get all interest on the funds held. 是否单独设立信托账户取决于澳门赌场官网的合理判断(见规则1).15, Comment [5]). 当资金超过“名义”和/或持有时间超过“短期”时,一般会设立单独账户, 这样赚来的利息就不会被管理账户的成本所消耗.
这些条款在规则中没有明确定义,由澳门赌场官网自行决定. 许多公司将多个客户的预付款存入共同客户信托账户, knowing that the funds will be removed as earned. 一些公司还将结算资金存入共同客户信托账户, 知道资金将在几天或几周内分配给客户和其他接收者. Other lawyers, 知道他们将为客户收到一大笔资金, or must hold funds for weeks or months, 决定为那一个客户开一个单独的计息信托账户. 当这些资金由澳门赌场官网持有时,客户将获得利息收益. Again, 最后的决定权留给了每个澳门赌场官网,让他们用合理的理由来决定把资金放在哪里. Comment [5] to Rule 1.15 states in part: “The determination, under paragraph (b), 是否期望信托基金赚取超过成本的收益, rests in the sound judgment of the lawyer. 澳门赌场官网应每隔一段合理的时间审查信托惯例,以确定情况是否需要对任何客户或第三方的资金采取进一步行动.”
It depends upon where you principally practice. When the lawyer is participating in, and compliant with, 信托会计规则和澳门赌场官网持有执照并主要从事业务的另一个司法管辖区的IOLTA计划, the lawyer is not required to have a D.C. IOLTA account and can place D.C. 合格的信托资金转入其他司法管辖区的IOLTA账户. However, 经常检查以确保你遵守你主要执业的司法管辖区的IOLTA规则.
If the clear majority of your income is generated in Maryland, 您被认为主要在马里兰州执业,您没有义务拥有哥伦比亚特区的IOLTA. For Maryland IOLTA questions see:
Comment [4] to Rule 1.第15条为澳门赌场官网如何确定其主要执业地点提供指导. Lawyers may also seek guidance from the D.C. Bar’s legal ethics counsel, at 202-737-4700, ext. 1010, or at [email protected].
For more information about the IOLTA program, please visit or contact the IOLTA administrator at the D.C. Bar Foundation at 202-467-3750.
有关客户信托账户或处理客户资金的更多信息,请联系D.C. Bar Practice Management Advisory Service at 202-780-2762. 执业管理咨询服务是哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会的一项免费保密服务,旨在帮助会员解决各种执业管理问题. 有关道德问题的免费和保密协助,请与D.C. Bar’s legal ethics counsel at 202-737-4700.
The LAP 提供免费和保密的临床服务的任何问题,造成痛苦的D.C. Bar members, judges, and current D.C. law students. The problems may be related to work–life balance, career stress, relationships, grief/loss, depression, anxiety, substance use or more.
The services include:
与LAP辅导员交谈或安排入学预约,请致电202-347-3131或发送电子邮件 [email protected].
Absolutely! Confidentiality and respect for privacy are the foundations of the program. 治疗师-客户特权适用于任何心理健康临床医生.
联邦和地方法律禁止披露与项目参与者有关的任何信息, including their identity. 澳门赌场官网援助计划不会透露澳门赌场官网的任何信息, law students, or judges who seek its assistance to the Bar, to any entity affiliated with the Bar, or to anyone else. 根据规则1,援助计划志愿者(为其他澳门赌场官网提供同伴支持的康复澳门赌场官网)被视为具有澳门赌场官网与委托人之间的保密义务.6(i) of the D.C. Rules of Professional Conduct.
The only exceptions are: (1) to avert a serious, 对您或他人的健康或安全构成迫在眉睫的威胁,以及(2)遵守法律义务,例如虐待儿童和虐待老人.
The LAP is not affiliated in any way with ODC. LAP是一个机密的、独立于纪律的项目,办公室本身也与ODC分开, BPR, and the courts. 与LAP的所有通信都是完全保密的,不会透露给任何人, agency, 没有参与者明确的书面授权或组织.
The LAP can be a resource to legal employers in many ways. LAP提供管理咨询,并在对澳门赌场官网的表现或心理健康有担忧时提供指导和资源. LAP的工作人员还向合法雇主和法学院提供有关鼓励福利的最佳做法的咨询.
The program also offers free educational presentations to firms, judges, nonprofits, law schools, and other related organizations in the D.C. metropolitan area. 演讲的目的是提高对LAP服务的认识以及心理健康的影响, substance use, and well-being issues have on the legal profession. Programs can be standardized or specially designed for your group. 有些课程可能有资格获得继续法律教育(CLE)学分.
LAP提供与影响健康的任何问题相关的临床服务, and stress in any realm is worth addressing. 希望澳门赌场官网在问题变得更严重之前主动寻求帮助. 长期压力会导致严重的身体和精神健康问题. Often talking to a neutral person, 谁能帮助评估问题并确定策略和资源, can make a difference.
No issue is too small. The earlier someone gets help, the better. No lawyer should feel alone in their struggle. Do not hesitate to call us at 202-347-3131 or email at [email protected].
所有LAP的工作人员都是有执照的心理健康专家,他们会很乐意咨询你应该采取什么行动, if any, are necessary and appropriate. LAP工作人员可以提供有效的技术指导,以沟通您的关注,以及同事可能可用的资源. Call us at 202-347-3131 to discuss.
Learn how to provide support. Know the warning signs of suicide.
The D.C. 上诉法院招生委员会(COA)不要求申请人透露有关心理健康/成瘾问题本身的治疗或咨询的信息. Your LAP participation will not be reported to the COA. 如果你有关于性格和体能方面的问题.C. Bar, please contact us. The ultimate goal of the admissions process is to ensure competence; seeking help for a mental health problem is an argument for competence, not against. Remember, there is nothing more important than your health.
请注意,根据法律规定,所有向民政事务处提出的查询都是严格保密的. The LAP will NOT disclose any identifying information, without the student’s written permission, to law schools, the D.C. Bar, or anyone else without the student’s explicit permission.
如果您对您的酒吧申请的性格和健身部分有疑问, please give us a confidential call at 202-347-3131.
For a medical or psychiatric emergency, dial 9-1-1. 如果你有自杀的想法或担心别人,请拨打9-8-8 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Pursuant to applicable law, any individual with a disability, 或任何其他个人,如需要根据个人情况提供合理的便利以进入必修课程,可向D .提交书面声明,请求协助.C. 酒吧,ATTN:必修课程住宿,901第四街西北,华盛顿特区20001,或通过电子邮件到 [email protected]. 收到申请的截止日期至少为课程注册前三个工作日.
For compliance purposes, 将有随机代码以大字体视觉显示,并大声宣布. 学员必须在课程结束时获取并提供这些代码. We offer closed captioning for hearing impaired members. For more information, please contact the CLE Program by email at [email protected].
The D.C. Bar does offer a number of membership benefits which can be found here.
Please go to the Attorneys area.
Please send an email to [email protected]. To learn more, please go to Member Connection Suite.
收到您的申请表格后,我们将通过电子邮件确认或拒绝您的申请. 如果您的请求被拒绝,您将需要在另一个时间提交新的请求表格.
客人可在会员连接套房每月最多打印100页. Printing instructions are found in each office or cubicle.
如果您想带客人进入您的预留工作区,需要事先批准. Please send an email to [email protected] with the guest’s name. Upon arrival, 客人在进入工作区域之前需要填写一份责任表.
The D.C. Bar has a receptionist on the 3rd floor to greet guests and clients. 而前台会在你到达时迎接你,并可以帮助你处理任何紧急请求, 他们不能送食物或提供任何行政援助.
The D.C. Bar对逝去会员的家人、朋友和同事深表同情. 如需报告会员死亡,请致电202-626-3475或电邮至 [email protected]. In order to appropriately update the member profile, we request you to provide the member’s date of passing. In some instances, 你也可能被要求提供死亡证明的副本或讣告的位置.
自2020年5月1日起,将不再邮寄许可证更新发票. However, members are required by Rule II, Section 2, of the D.C. Court of Appeals Rules Governing the District of Columbia Bar to update their address information within 30 days of any change. A U.S. 寄给澳门赌场官网公会的邮政服务转发通知不能代替会员的明确书面通知.
Yes, by contacting Member Services at 202-626-3475. Changes also can be submitted online, or via email at [email protected].
为了在我们的正式澳门赌场官网记录上更改您的名字,您必须填写 Change of Name Request Form and provide supporting documentation, such as a copy of your certified marriage certificate, court approved divorce declaration, 法院批准的名称变更文件或其他法院命令的确认所要求更改的认证文件. 您的公证表格和证明文件可通过电子邮件发送至 [email protected] or by fax to 866-550-9331.
您的联系信息的任何更新都应包含在此请求中. 新的酒吧卡可以从您的在线会员账户中收取10美元的费用.
Members who need their D.C. Bar Membership card replaced may log into their online member account to submit a replacement request. 酒吧卡是在现场打印的,需要2-3周的订单处理和交付. There is a $10 fee for the replacement of D.C. Bar membership cards.
No. If you want to become a member of the U.S. 地区法院,关于美国入学要求的信息.S. District Court for the District of Columbia may be found here or by contacting their offices at 202-354-3100.
No. There is no residency requirement for the District of Columbia.
D.C. 澳门赌场官网协会提醒会员,作为澳门赌场官网协会年度注册程序的一部分,某些会员信息是向公众开放的.
Upon request of any person, 澳门赌场官网协会将核实某个人是否为会员,并发布具体信息. 公众可以获得的信息是澳门赌场官网是否是哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会的成员, an attorney’s membership status, an attorney’s date of admission, and an attorney’s business address and phone number. 澳门赌场官网协会还将提供会员的电子邮件和传真号码,除非会员选择将这些信息的使用限制在澳门赌场官网协会的官方通讯中. To restrict that use, 请按会员帐户内联络资料旁的“未列明”.
All unrestricted information is available on the Bar’s Find a Member search. 所有其他信息都是保密的,除非收到澳门赌场官网签署的授权表格.
Please email [email protected] for information about the Bar’s COVID-19 guidelines.
PMAS为澳门赌场官网协会成员提供管理其法律业务的大多数方面的信息和协助. 可通过电话和预定的现场管理评估提供援助.
At present all services of the PMAS are free of charge to D.C. Bar members.
Yes, however, prior to an in-office management assessment, 澳门赌场官网必须同意遵守具体的保密准则.
The D.C. Bar can confirm whether an attorney is licensed to practice in D.C.
To find out if an attorney has faced disciplinary actions visit Attorney Disciplinary Decisions
通过清楚地表达你的担忧,并要求得到回应,试着与你的澳门赌场官网解决问题. 你的澳门赌场官网应该清楚地说明费用协议和代理范围, keep you apprised of developments in your case, and respond to any reasonable requests for information you may have.
如果你对法律费用不满意,你可以向律政司提出费用纠纷.C. Bar’s Attorney/Client Arbitration Board. If you have lost funds due to an attorney’s dishonest conduct, you may be able to seek reimbursement from the D.C. Bar’s Clients’ Security Fund. For complaints about your attorney’s ethical behavior, you can file a complaint.
疫苗接种要求的例外情况将根据适用法律作出,并可能需要额外的安全措施,如检测和遮盖. Please contact [email protected] for further information.
Yes. To qualify as “fully vaccinated”, 游客必须按照疾病预防控制中心的指导方针注射强化疫苗. Click here to access the Visitor Vaccination Policy.
While on-site, 除了吃饭或喝水外,游客应随时佩戴口罩. Social distancing is encouraged at all times.
Please visit for the most up-to-date visitor policy.
请检查您的帐户联系信息,以确保您的当前地址记录在案. You may manage Communication Preferences through your online D.C. Bar account 或致电202-626-3475或电邮至 [email protected].
You may manage Communication Preferences by logging into your D.C. Bar帐户在线或通过电话202-626-3475或电子邮件联系会员服务 [email protected].
The D.C. 当我们从地区上诉法院收到您的注册声明时,澳门赌场官网会以您的名义创建一个会员帐户. Click here to retrieve the password, 输入用户名(主电子邮件地址),电子邮件将发送到您的地址存档. 如果您没有与您的会员帐户相关联的电子邮件地址, please contact Member Services by phone at 202-626-3475 or email at [email protected] for log-in assistance. 作为安全验证措施,我们将要求提供会员信息.
The username is the primary email address on record. In order to update your username, 请点击“我的完整联系信息”,输入或选择所需的电子邮件地址作为主要邮箱.
In order to change your password, please follow the steps below.
1. Log in to the D.C. Bar’s website through My Account.
2. Click on the link “Change My Password” on the right hand side.
3. Enter a new password and then click “Save”.
登入您的会员帐户后,选择“续订会员资格”按钮. Complete the steps to update any profile information, join Communities, and/or add a voluntary Pro Bono donation to your invoice.
If you are a D.C. Bar member and create a new account, your membership will not be connected to the self-created account. Click here to retrieve your password, enter the username (primary email address), and an email will be sent to your address on file. If you are unsure which email address is tied to your member record, contact Member Services by phone at 202-626-3475 or email at [email protected] for log-in assistance. 作为安全验证措施,我们将要求提供会员信息.